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This entry was added to the database on Friday, August 5th, at pm by Ayiu. This information was last updated on Saturday, September 28th, at pm by. There are 87 comments Add your comments. User Name Password Remember Me.

Users with this game in their collection twistedsymphony 1 copy imironmann 1 copy return to release info. There are no users with this game on their wishlist return to release info. There are no users with this game for sale return to release info. Modeled from actual in-game 3D digital files, it showcases Alduin, the World Eater. This documentary DVD contains exclusive, behind-the-scenes footage, including interviews with the Bethesda Game Studios team as they take you from concept to creation and provide insights into the story, gameplay, setting, legacy of the Elder Scrolls franchise, and much more.

Only were made available over all three media for the whole of New Zealand. I had been waiting for months for Bethesda to announce the CE to Skyrim, had my email listed for their newsletter informing me of the CE's belated release as well as keeping my eyed peeled online for any news. Alas, no email from Bethesda and by the time I got wind of it's "availability"all copies had basically sold out in one morning. Disgusted with Bethesda. All copies went to insiders, profiteerers and staff.

Bethesda censored my complaints off their facebook wall and ignored my emails enquiring what was being done for myself and other fans whom missed out. NOT a good look Bethesda. This Kotickesque behaviour is beginning to fit you like a custom made glove.

This nice and cool edition and it is a very big Dragon aswell hope you like it. Contains : -Artbook -Game with special cover -Dragon with stand gurpswoo1 : Thanks for the unboxing video procion : Thanks for the message and video of the unboxing.

It might be a good idea if you put a cooment, if you are able, under your youtube of the unboxing. Commenting is broken for many people therein they can enter text, but the POST button does not appear for them. Nice edition. Mine has been shipped from Amazon in US, so it will be reghion one no doubt the most common version of all the versions of this CE.

What region is yours? Region 2? Thanks for the unboxing. I'm just turned up to Whiterun in the gameplay itself. You have a Scandinavian accent, and I see your flag is Norway, so we both have links to finding this scene amazing and to bringing us visions of how our ancestors lived albeit without the giant we run down the hill to help dispatch on our way to Whiterun Thokk as they say in old Icelandic tak Legendhawk for the video and the headsup. Hopefully my CE will get here at the same time as my Collector's Edition Game Guide which I can include in my unboxing video as well That figure of Alduin looks awesome!!

It really defines a tale of adventures and odysseys. Now I went up to my local figurine shop yes we have one here down on the gods' right buttock the gods all share buttocks but who is to say they only have two Heroes for Sale. Now the vendor showed me various figurines made of Polystone and of PVC. She said the point was moot on whether the one is better then the other, but I say they look one the other as good as each other.

Now my 19" Kratos is polystone so I guess it is heavier thean pvc but so long as it looks good then I will be happy. I agree, we need the soundtrack. Codes should always be included as digital extras for collectors like us in CEs. I'd quess the B. I say this mod has lowered Bethesda's name even farther with his childish behaviour. I now use theskyrimguild. Bethesda can go and suck eggs. Originally Posted by procion. The mods there are RUDE.

Originally Posted by Twistedsymphony. I appreciate that you feel this forum is well run; though, I feel I should point out that while we have an international community here, this site is based out of, created, and run by an American I've Moderated and Admined many forums, many times larger than this one so I'd like to think I know what good moderation practices look like.

In general, I've found that most corporate forums meaning "official" forums have the worst moderators. There are three reasons for this 1. They're only there because they're being paid so they have little interest in the actual community 2. They wield a lot of power since official forums have lots and lots of users and 3. They have almost no oversight since the corporate owners have better things to do than watch over the moderators.

You can see how that can quickly lead to a very unruly moderation staff, regardless of which country it's based out of. A good forum will have an Admin that promotes the moderation staff from within the community, and they will hold that staff to a higher standard than the general members.

Remember Me. Originally Posted by Twistedsymphony I appreciate that you feel this forum is well run; though, I feel I should point out that while we have an international community here, this site is based out of, created, and run by an American I've Moderated and Admined many forums, many times larger than this one so I'd like to think I know what good moderation practices look like.

